Newsletter Past Issues
Fall 2023
On a societal level, the humanities help us grapple with the challenges we face and guide our collective quest for new and better solutions. We find our way there together, which, in a democracy, requires allowing all to have their say. What then about those people who have been devalued and made invisible by the justice system?
Summer 2023
This summer a second season of our Human Powered podcast will be ready for your ears! This time, we teamed up former Wisconsin Poet Laureate, performance artist, and change agent Dasha Kelly Hamilton with public historian Adam Carr to bring you remarkable stories of people inside and outside Wisconsin prisons who are using the humanities to overcome the dehumanization of incarceration
Fall 2022
The humanities ask what it means to be human. The public humanities invite all of us to explore our histories and cultural traditions, reflect on society and its challenges, hear each others’ stories, and fuel an expansive, democratic vision for our communities.
We asked five people engaged in this work with us to describe a moment that reveals the “why” of what they do.
Spring 2022
As Wisconsin Humanities celebrates its 50th Anniversary, we have been reflecting on the lessons learned from decades of public humanities work. One that stands out is how, by putting the tools of the humanities in the hands of committed problem-solvers, we can make powerful changes happen.
Winter 2021
It was with huge excitement that three years ago Wisconsin Humanities partnered with Love Wisconsin, taking over the production of its digital storytelling platform from founders
Brijetta (Jet) Hall Waller and Megan Monday. At the time, we saw the Love Wisconsin project succeeding at the very thing that they, and we, felt so urgently: the need to do whatever we could to connect Wisconsinites across our differences and to encourage empathy