Our Mission & Vision

Established in 1972 as an independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Wisconsin Humanities is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization governed by a volunteer board of directors who come from across the state.


Wisconsin Humanities strengthens our democracy through educational and cultural programs that build connections and understanding among people of all backgrounds and beliefs throughout the state.

We believe that strengthening our democracy is only possible when our work is grounded in knowledge and is fully inclusive, equitable, and accessible to all. WH trusts in our shared humanity.


Our Logo

The image of Wisconsin is comprised of three distinct faces. It is designed to represent the essence of our work – to bring together individuals and communities, each with their own story to tell.

Being human is a shared experience, and we are here to explore it together.

Who We Are

Building Stronger Communities

Amplifying Local Energy Community Powered fellows and trainings help mobilize the stories, histories, and strengths embedded in every place.

Stories that Connect For everyone who loves Wisconsin, building bridges with real stories from real people doing things that make a real impact.

Humanity Unlocked Finding dignity and personal expression through poetry, art, writing, and community in Wisconsin Prisons.