Major Grants


Up to $10,000


based in WI

  • April 15th at 5:00 pm
    (Decision in mid-June)
  • August 15th at 5:00 pm
    (Decision in mid-October)
  • December 15th at 5:00 pm
    (Decision in mid-February)

Wisconsin Humanities Major Grants are for nonprofit organizations that are implementing or sustaining innovative public humanities programming.

Major grants support projects that offer new perspectives, inspire fresh insights, and add meaning to the ways we understand and better our lives, our democracy, and our world. These community-initiated projects promote civic health, address critical issues with empathy, and spark connection.

young drummers

"Journey The Atlantic/Viajando el Atlántico" educational workshops, funded in 2023

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

If you are a first-time applicant, it is extremely important that you first confirm whether your project is eligible for funding from Wisconsin Humanities. Schedule a 20-30 minute consultation with our Grants Director:

As of January 15th, 2024, WH can award organizations a maximum of two grants in a 24-month period. After being awarded this maximum, the organization must take a one-year break before applying again.

Applicants from organizations such as city departments, academic departments at institutions of higher education, and departments/branches of organizations with multiple locations are considered separate organizations. Please consult with WH staff if you have questions.


Step 2: Application Process

The best way to prepare is to download the Major Grant Application Instructions to understand all requirements and application sections. Have it by you as you write! Consider writing your project description offline so you can copy-and-paste it into the online application. You may also want to download and fill out the forms so you are ready to upload them into the online application.

Draft Review: You can request a review of your draft application from our Grant Program staff. Simply contact us at least three weeks before the grant deadline to ensure a thorough review of your draft BEFORE you hit ‘submit'. Contact

Step 3: Required Forms

You will be prompted to upload forms in the online application. All forms can be downloaded while you are working online or in advance on our Forms & Resources Page.

Step 4: Submission


All applications must be submitted electronically through our online portal. If you need assistance with creating an account, see this guide.

To start, you will create an organization identity for the Fiscal Sponsor Organization. This is the organization to whom the check will be written if you are awarded a grant. The Fiscal Sponsor Organization must have a UEI and be based in Wisconsin.  

If your organization is NOT able to receive funds on its own behalf, create an account using your Fiscal Sponsor’s information.


To apply, select the Major Grant round you want to apply to, then respond to all prompts and upload all forms. If you don’t see the round you are looking for, it is not yet ‘open’ in the system. Come back three months before the deadline. If you need to collaborate with other team members the “collaborate” button in the upper right hand corner of the page will allow you to share the application.


If you want to have your draft reviewed, you need to do it before you click 'submit' on your application. Contact to set up a review at least three weeks before the deadline.


When your application is ready click 'submit.' You need to do this before the deadline, 5 pm on the date the application is due.